7.2 Ribbed Panel System

Panel Dimensions
- Coverage Width 36”
- Rib Pitch 7.2”
- Profile Depth 1.5”
- Thickness .032 Aluminum, .040 Aluminum, 22 ga. Steel, 24 ga. Steel
- Weight 0.471 lb/ft2, 0.585 lb/ft2, 1.25 lb/ft2, 1.00 lb/ft2
Material Specifications
3000 Series Alloy in compliance with the Aluminum Association Composition Specifications and conforming to ASTM B209 is standard.
Product Notes
- Remove the protective film quickly after installation.
- Panels should be laid flat in a dry, indoor environment during storage.
- Panels should always be lapped against prevailing winds.
- Typical side lap spacing is 18”. Consult a Professional Engineer for specific requirements, as this may not be appropriate for all applications.
- ⅛”x½” tape sealant shall be used at all side laps when used as a roof panel.
- Minimum recommended roof slope: 2:12
- Available through various manufacturers
General Information
Reynolux 7.2” Rib is useful for projects with high wind load requirements and longer spans.
- ASTM E283
- ASTM E331
- ASTM E1592